Gain access to the world’s highly sought after Italian truffles.

The most learned men have been questioned as to the nature of this tuber, and after 2000 years of argument and discussion their answer is the same as it was on the first day: we do not know. The truffles themselves have been interrogated, and have answered simply: just eat us.
— Alexandre Dumas

Our Truffles

Our wild Italian truffles mature slowly underground in oak lime and hazel groves, their scent unmistakable to the sensitive nose of our truffle hunters’ dogs who find them.

Nature’s Most Expensive Partnership

Today, our Italian truffles are unearthed by Stella, Bruno, and Guido. Similar to a wine taster, as their noses develop, they grow in value, with some truffle hunter’s proclaiming their dogs to be more important than their wives!